Sep 29, 2020 | Vincent Cross - Results
4 Stars for The Life & Times of James Corcoran “The story of the ‘terror of the East Side...
Jul 30, 2020 | Vincent Cross - Results
This is an important Irish-American immigrant story that hasn’t been told “He was James ‘The Rooster’ Corcoran, and his turbulent, action-packed, controversial life, is the subject of a new album by the folk singer Vincent Cross, who himself is a...
Jul 21, 2020 | Vincent Cross - Results
Vincent Cross preps concept album about Irish-American gang leader “There’s a clear influence of traditional Irish folk music on these songs, and Cross says that he learned a few new instruments to really get that style of music across.” | Read...
Jul 9, 2020 | Vincent Cross - Results
Cross retells Corcoran’s story with a “modern dark fairy tale.” “Cross, a descendent of Corcoran, delivers a subtle but powerful portrait with ‘King Corcoran.’ It’s a quiet meditation that speaks to folk’s narrative...